Foundation Regenerate-as-a-Project (RAAP!) - has applied for ANBI status with the tax authorities. The status is in process

Name of the Institution

Stichting Regenerate-as-a-Project (RAAP!)
Also known as: RAAP!

RSIN (Legal Entities and Partnerships Information Number)

RSIN: 866916957

Contact details of the institution

Address: Thorbeckelaan 19, 3931HV Woudenberg, Netherlands.

Description of the ANBI objective

The mission of Stichting RAAP! is to promote the scalability of regenerative agriculture, ensuring ecological, economic, and socially responsible practices. The foundation focuses on the restoration of ecosystems, biodiversity, soil health, and addressing climate change.

Main points of the policy plan

The policy plan describes activities aimed at promoting the scalability of regenerative agriculture in degraded agricultural areas, with a specific focus on Southern Europe, such as Murcia, Spain. Activities include establishing partnerships, developing scalable agricultural models, and attracting subsidies and funds.

Roles and names of the board members

Chairperson: Rien Bongers
Secretary: Jan Willem van der Schans
Treasurer: Angelique van Gerner

Remuneration policy

Board members receive no remuneration for their work, but can claim reimbursement for incurred expenses. Any compensation for specific project contributions must be transparent and in accordance with the foundation’s statutes.

Current report of activities carried out

RAAP! has focused on creating a governance model and supporting regenerative agricultural projects in Southern Europe. This includes collaboration with NGOs, companies, and farms, as well as finding funding for new initiatives.

Financial accountability

The financial management of RAAP! is handled by the treasurer, who is responsible for maintaining accurate records of income and expenses. An annual financial report is prepared, detailing the use of funds, and published in compliance with legal and transparency requirements.

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